2024 Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships

Please ensure that you carefully read all the instructions, on this page in order to successfully apply for this scholarship.

If you're interested, in pursuing postdoctoral research take the time to read this article. We'll provide an overview of the Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships for the 2024 and 2025 year including its advantages and a step by step guide on how to apply.

The Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships are scholarships available for international students. These fellowships offer support, including a living stipend, research and travel funds. Additionally depending on circumstances fellows may also be eligible, for child allowances parental leave allowances and relocation assistance.

The fellowship program offered by the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) aims to support groundbreaking research in the field of life sciences. It specifically encourages applications, for high risk projects that challenge established norms and utilize approaches and techniques. The program seeks to address problems or barriers to progress in the community.

HFSP postdoctoral fellowships provide early career scientists with an opportunity to expand their research skills while working in a country and exploring areas of study.

There are two types of fellowships

1. Term Fellowships (LTF); These are intended for applicants with a PhD in a discipline who wish to broaden their expertise by proposing a project in the life sciences that significantly differs from their previous PhD or postdoctoral work.

2. Cross Disciplinary Fellowships (CDF); These fellowships are designed for applicants with a PhD outside of the life sciences, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering or computer sciences.


 Level of Study; Postdoctoral

 Institution(s); Human Frontier Science Program

 Fields of Focus; Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering or Computer Sciences


  • Initiation of a Letter of Intent by March 15th 2024, at 1 PM (Eastern Time US) The registration portal will open in April.
  • Please submit your Letter of Intent by May 11 2024 no, than 1 PM (Eastern Time US). 
  • The fellowship applicant will receive a notification regarding the selection of their Letter of Intent for submitting a Proposal between mid August and the end of August. 
  • Invited applicants should submit their Proposals via ProposalCentral by September 28 2024 before 1 PM (Eastern Time US).

The host countries, for the Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships include;


  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus (EU part) the Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • India
  • The Republic of Ireland 
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • The Republic of Korea 
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta 
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Swede
  • Switzerland 
  • The United Kingdom and
  • United States of America.

These countries have been selected because they are well suited to support the goals and objectives of the HFSP. They provide an environment for young researchers to undertake frontier research projects that will shape their career paths. Additionally the host supervisor is expected to outline a mentorship plan for each applicant. PDF files containing publications where the applicant is listed as the lead author can also be submitted.

Scholarship Benefits

The Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships offer support, for living expenses, research purposes and travel. Depending on the circumstances of the fellows they may also be eligible for allowances such as child allowance parental leave allowance and relocation allowance.

Eligibility Requirements for HFSP Fellowships

To be considered for the Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships applicants must meet the criteria;

  • Language Requirement; Proficiency in English
  • Eligible Countries; All countries worldwide
  • Applicants should propose to conduct their research in a country from where they completed their Ph.D. Studies or their initial post doctoral research. In cases where institutions are not national. Are extraterritorial entities like EMBL, ICPT or ICGEB the country where the laboratory is located will be considered as the host country.
  • Candidates should have obtained a research doctorate (PhD) or an equivalent doctoral level degree with experience in research (e.g., a research based MD or medical PhD) by the start of the fellowship. However it is not necessary to have completed these requirements at the time of application.
  • Applicants must have one full length research paper where they are listed as lead author. The paper should. Be accepted for publication in the press already published in a peer reviewed journal or available, on a preprint server.
  • We only consider papers written in English for evaluation. Please note that review articles and patents are not included in the assessment.
  • When preparing your application make sure to upload copies of lead author publications. It's important to upload them before submitting the application as they cannot be uploaded afterwards.

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to apply for fellowships, through the Human Frontier Science Program;

(1) Submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) 
Aspirants should submit a LOI by May 11 2024. The LOI should include the information;

  • Proposed research plan title
  • Keywords related to your research plan
  • A summary of your proposed research plan (this can be used as the abstract for your full application if invited)
  • Personal details
  • CV
  • Field and title of your PhD
  • Information about your proposed host supervisor and institution
  • Any previous collaborations or publications with the host supervisor (if applicable) along with confirmation that they are aware of and support your application
  • Preliminary publication list (with an option to update)

(2) The Letter of Intent will undergo peer review and you will be notified of the results as soon as possible.

(3) If you are invited to progress to the stage you will need to submit an Application by September 28 2024. HFSP will contact you directly if you are selected for this stage.

Please note that if you are invited to progress beyond the Letter of Intent stage you will need to submit an Application. For any inquiries or clarifications kindly contact HFSP 

To submit an application you should include the following;

1. A brief summary of your work (, to the summary provided in the Letter of Intent).

2. An abstract outlining your proposed research project ( to the LOI summary).

3. A detailed plan for your proposed projects research.

4. Justification for why and how your project represents a departure from your work.

5. Explanation of why and how your project is. Pushes boundaries in its nature.

6. Description of why the chosen host lab is a fit for your project.

7. Information on how you will benefit from being part of the host lab including access to resources, mentorship opportunities, exposure to techniques, etc.

8. An updated list of publications you have contributed as a lead author.

9. Two recommendation letters from referees who can vouch for your abilities and potential.

10. A recommendation letter from the host supervisor highlighting how your proposed research plan diverges from your work (whether during PhD or postdoctoral training) and signifies a change for their lab as well; they should also explain why their lab is best suited to support HFSPs mission, in fostering talented young researchers pursuing frontier research projects; additionally they should outline a mentorship plan tailored to you.

11. PDF files containing publications where you were listed as the lead author.

If you want information, about the Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships program. Wish to apply for them yourself you can visit their official website.

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